Past Events
Mid Coast AMCRC Regional Meet
September 8, 2018
Santa Maria
It's 2 month's after the show that I'm finally writing this, my excuse....well, I just get lazy sometimes, and can't get my head into it. I have like 6 shows to add to my site at this point, and I'll get ti it !
To the Show ! Seems the Caravan days are over, we all seem to drive up indipendently nowadays. I think we had 5 Cars here from SoCalAMX, and I think the total show was under 30, cars were coming and going between my walk about to get pix.
Another Good Weather Show this year, and the Friday cruise was to Solvang, via Wine Country, to it, and back ! While in Solvang, we visited a private Motorcycle Collection....Wow ! Beautiful Bikes, of All makes !
Here's where I leave you alone to check out Pix !
And the Winners are !....not all's like herding cats....
Pix of some of, not all, of the Bikes on the event page, next to this one.