Past Events
Fallbrook Vintage Car Show
May 29, 2016
I pre-reg'd for this, and my car was sick, and I was still as well....but it's close to home, so we went as civilians. The weather was cool, and we knew we would have a good lunch here at the Pala Mesa Resort, the show was on the Golf course.
There were 4 AMC's here, Steve's SC, an American, a Marlin, & a Metropolitan....missing was my AMX....
This Marlin took Best of Show at the SoCal AMX Show in 2015. And it actually lives in Fallbrook !
I don't know how many of these were made, but I seem to find one at a lot of shows. And this one has the special hood ! You will see in the last pix !
This thing is pretty damn Cool and it reminds me of a spider....I guess this would kinda' be the 5th AMC ?
I forgot to write everything down, so I don't remember what this thing really is, but it must have been built in the Hollywood theme.
And the Willys ! I like the rare cars, they are more in line with AMC. My site does not hold enough pix the show you all the Mustang's, Camaro's, Chevelle's, Tri-Five's, and For Roadster's, that I see at every show.
A 440 that has never seen a track, a 427 Stinger, and a Hurtz Rent-a-Car.
The biggest reason I came here....REAL COBRAS !
Just one of these could pay for a house !
The guy leaning on this AC is the original Owner !
This car I have seen multiple times, and I Love it, the owner takes it to the track, and you can see it's down the primer from road debris ! It's Awesome !
Hard to find multiple REAL Cobras together.
Looking over the Shelby, it was real hard to get any pix without people walking through the shot ! This was my third time walking by.
And the car that made the whole day worth it ! the Cheetah ! Only 11 of these baby's were originally built, with 8 remaining. The "Cobra Killer" never did get to race the Cobras though....
Chevrolet bailed on the project (wanting to take on the Cobra) because they would have taken on the Vette as well. Running the 327 at over 200mph, and about 500 pounds lighter then the Vette, I think Chevy got scared ! I was told 1 Cheetah was built with a 427 for drag racing, and Only drag racing, the extra weight slowed it down on anything but a straight away.
And I end this the way it should end, with a Beautiful Lady, baring it all on a cloudy day !