Past Events
Coronado Speed Fetival
September 25, 2010
Met Dale one week ago and it was easy to talk him into this show, Steve made us three, and this is where I met Brian, Dale knows him, but I never saw him again (this posting is 12-29-13). So we were 4, just enough to let people know AMC lives.
This is an open show, and there are some big buck cars here, they even let in yer-a pee'ns ! I love to see all the Cobras and Pantera's here, I haven't seen this many anywhere else.
This was unfortunately the only Trans Am AMC entry this year, we have seen as many as 5 here. I Love the Red White & Blue's.
Brian and Dale got 1st and 2nd place AMC ! I promote this show to our club because it has an AMC Class, Sunday has 1st & 2nd place, Saturday is only 1st. But that's not the only reason, besides Trans Am racing, there are all brackets of SCCA races, even a Nascar race. You can walk the pits, check out the cars, there are plenty of food vendors, and the tarmac is concrete, so it's not that hot. Racing ALL day long.
It's a blurry shot, but I don't care, I'm taking a victory lap on the track ! Burning a little rubber along the way. 1st place on Saturday & Sunday gets a victory lap, I did this Saturday. The car show is over by noon, so you can leave any time you want, or watch races all day.
You can tell it's a Good show when even the cars are smiling !